Custom design configured to your specifications.

Custom design configured to your specifications with monthly support and feedback.

  • Native Search Engine Rankings

    Google Yahoo Bing Native Search Engine Rankings

    Successful native search engine results (non-paid placement) start in the planning stages of your web site. Careful consideration to the target keywords and phrases should be considered in all parts of the web site content.

    Just because your site is exists, doesn't mean it will automatically rank well. Your web site needs to rank in the top 10 to enjoy any success with click through rates.

    We can help you determine the keywords and key phrases that should be used for your web site and evaluate statistics to help you improve search engine rankings.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Search Engine Advertising

    There is an easy way to be #1 in search engine ranks, pay for placement and you’re done. Search engine ads can jump start your web site traffic if your site is new or has a lot of key-phrase competition. If you fail to work on your organic traffic this will be an ongoing advertising expense. If your keyword competition is low, you will be able to discontinue (or even avoid) paying for ads by building your rank organically.

    Climbing the Search Engine Rank Organically

  • SEO - WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal

    Over the years there have been many opinions on what CMS offers the best search engine results for your web site. Many of these opinions deserve some consideration, but the bottom line is...

    Search engines don't care what you use for your web site !

    That's right, unless you are using a system that obscures your site content, you're good. Yay ! Now here is the bad news.... Content is King. Talk to anybody who is working on organic search engine rankings and they will confirm the mantra, Content is King.